Leda’s Log. A behind-the-scenes, slice-of-life look into the Legion of Angels, hosted by Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos.

Warning: may include abnormally-large cats and adorable baby angels.

In this entry, Leda learns a little about Dreamcatcher (and Cupid).

Leda’s Log

Part 8: Dreamcatcher

Leda’s Log is now available as an e-book, paperback, and hardcover. Check out the link to learn more.

To be continued…

Fluffy teddy bear? My cats chilling out in a sea of stuffed animals.

How did Leda give Cupid and Dreamcatcher their unusual magical powers? Why are the two women keeping a low profile? Will Angel and Shadow be the Legion’s next power couple? Find out in future episodes of Leda’s Log!