Leda’s Log. A behind-the-scenes, slice-of-life look into the Legion of Angels, hosted by Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos.
Warning: may include abnormally-large cats and adorable baby angels.
In this entry, Leda learns a little about Dreamcatcher (and Cupid).
Leda’s Log
Part 8: Dreamcatcher
Leda’s Log is now available as an e-book, paperback, and hardcover. Check out the link to learn more.
To be continued…

Fluffy teddy bear? My cats chilling out in a sea of stuffed animals.
How did Leda give Cupid and Dreamcatcher their unusual magical powers? Why are the two women keeping a low profile? Will Angel and Shadow be the Legion’s next power couple? Find out in future episodes of Leda’s Log!
I have no idea how Leda gave them powers but I can’t wait to find out! Also, yay, we saw more of Shadow and Angel! I’m so glad Sierra was shipping them as well.
I love all the little moments between Leda and Nero.
Sierra will always ship “fluffy teddy bears”. 😉
I’m guessing Leda gave them their powers when she gave birth to Sierra and released all that magic that opened the Guardian’s sanctuary. I remember now that Jiro warned Leda at the end of the book about different realms.
Romantic, tender moments and the super jealous/ragey moment’s between Leda and Nero are my favorite. Even just Nero reassuring Leda- and calming her down- by holding her hand makes me all swoony. I’m really loving Leda’s Log!
Thanks, Cindy. I’m very grateful for all the kind comments about Leda’s Log. I’ll definitely be writing more of it. 🙂