No good deed goes unpunished. Chapter eight of the Paragons episode The Magic Emporium.

What’s the story behind the photo above? The real-world location is inside the “Apprentice Village” in my fictional Paragons world. I took the picture during a stroll shortly after we had a very quick (a few minutes long) but very strong storm. The wind knocked over a lot of trees. Some of those trees hit the power lines, and so we (and a lot of other people in a huge area north of Sydney) were left without electricity for about a week.

This was in November 2019. We had a lot of crazy weather in just a few months: drought; Bushfires that turned the sky orange (there was so much smoke in the air that we had to wear those heavy-duty N95 masks when we went outside); this crazy, windy storm that left us without power; later, flooding. And then the pandemic hit.

The constantly-changing weather plays a part in my Paragons series. Look out for that as the series continues.

Paragons 1.4.8

Book 1  ♣  Episode 4  ♣  Chapter 8

Savannah is “invited” to an inquisition. Chapter 8 of the Paragons Episode The Magic Emporium.

Chapter 8: The Inquisition

This chapter is now published as part of the complete book: The Knights of Gaia.