No good deed goes unpunished. Chapter eight of the Paragons episode The Magic Emporium.
What’s the story behind the photo above? The real-world location is inside the “Apprentice Village” in my fictional Paragons world. I took the picture during a stroll shortly after we had a very quick (a few minutes long) but very strong storm. The wind knocked over a lot of trees. Some of those trees hit the power lines, and so we (and a lot of other people in a huge area north of Sydney) were left without electricity for about a week.
This was in November 2019. We had a lot of crazy weather in just a few months: drought; Bushfires that turned the sky orange (there was so much smoke in the air that we had to wear those heavy-duty N95 masks when we went outside); this crazy, windy storm that left us without power; later, flooding. And then the pandemic hit.
The constantly-changing weather plays a part in my Paragons series. Look out for that as the series continues.
Paragons 1.4.8
Book 1 ♣ Episode 4 ♣ Chapter 8
Savannah is “invited” to an inquisition. Chapter 8 of the Paragons Episode The Magic Emporium.
Chapter 8: The Inquisition
This chapter is now published as part of the complete book: The Knights of Gaia.
would you still upload the next chapters or you will release with the complete book?
Hi, Victor,
I’ll be releasing Paragons as books now. The first book is only a few weeks away. I hope to have the second out later this summer. I’m still finalizing timing, but I’m thinking July. And I’m working on the third book too.
I’ll still be putting out Leda’s Log in installments for a while. And I’m planning some other post-as-I-go writing projects in the future. I’ll post more when I have the details.