Wicked Witchcraft

A Legion of Angels Anthology

A collection of tales set in the Legion of Angels universe.

Anthology  ♦  16 Stories

Wicked Witchcraft

From witches to dragons—to angels, gods, and demons. Sixteen fantastical tales set in the Legion of Angels universe, featuring the friends and family of Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos.


  1. Twelve Dancing Angels
  2. The Angel of New York
  3. The Witching Well
  4. Heaven in a Handbasket
  5. Wicked Witchcraft
  6. Pandora’s Box
  7. Trick or Treasure
  8. Witch’s Gambit
  9. Dragon Fire
  10. The Lost Workshop
  11. Dark Angel
  12. The Wand of Witchcraft
  13. Angel’s Favor
  14. Djinn’s Journey
  15. The Final Artifact
  16. Phoenix Rising

The Stories

Books in this Series

Ella Summers

Bestselling Fantasy Author