Leda’s Log

Legion of Angels: Book 13

A behind-the-scenes, slice-of-life look into the Legion of Angels, hosted by Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos.

Warning: may include abnormally-large cats and adorable baby angels.

Book 13 of 13  ♦  Novel

Leda's Log

Come save the universe again, just one more time.

It isn’t easy being the Angel of Chaos. The hours are long, the monsters abundant, and the gods are always scolding you for disrupting the natural order of the universe. Touché!

Join Leda Pandora and Nero Windstriker for an all-new adventure across time and space as they encounter new magic, new allies, and new enemies.

Warning: may include abnormally-large cats and adorable baby angels.

Leda’s Log is a behind-the-scenes, slice-of-life look into the Legion of Angels, hosted by Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos. A tale starring Leda and Nero’s daughter Sierra as a teenager is also included in this book.

Books in this Series

Ella Summers

Bestselling Fantasy Author