Leda’s Log. A behind-the-scenes, slice-of-life look into the Legion of Angels, hosted by Leda Pandora, the Angel of Chaos.

Warning: may include abnormally-large cats and adorable baby angels.

Story #3 (“The Ball of Champions”) of Leda’s Log continues! In this chapter, Leda and Aspen prepare for battle. Meanwhile, Sierra helps Nero choose his armor, and Angel the cat makes waves on Aspen’s world.

Leda’s Log

Part 19: Preparing For Battle

Leda’s Log is now available as an e-book, paperback, and hardcover. Check out the link to learn more.

To be continued…

Cat yawning

“Who dares disturb my slumber?”

Who is this mysterious “old friend” Leda will ask for help? How will Leda secure Aspen’s spot in the Princess Games? The story continues in the next entry of Leda’s Log!